Selasa, 17 April 2018

AI in Game - Timun Mas Legend Project

I got some project in my AI Classroom, there are requirements to implemented:
  1. DFS
  2. BFS
  3. A* (optional)
I created 2 project, this is the second that implemented DFS, BFS, A*.
I implemented in Unity 2017.3.1f1.

Development Screenshot:

Detail will be explained soon because i have a busy time.


AI in Game - Boomerang Loop Project

I got some project in my AI Classroom, there are requirements to implemented:
  1. DFS
  2. BFS
  3. A* (optional)
I created 2 project, this is the first that implemented DFS only with some modification in the queue.
I implemented in Unity 2017.3.1f1.


Boomerang will generate path using DFS Algorithm with some condition modification.  Boomerang will move to the first index of its path. The index will increase if boomerang triggers the node. The path will be generated every last index triggered, path always be changing from top either bottom.

Screenshot in game:


