Jumat, 05 Januari 2018

Basic Scripting Unity C# - Part 1 Debugging

Hello guys welcome to my first tutorial in Unity Game Engine using C# for scripting. Basic Scripting Unity C# - Part 1 Debugging.
There is list that what i will do:
  • Getting know the modifier (common programming language)
  • Declaring (Creating) variables of types,
  • Initializing (instantiate, assign or whatever you called) a value,
  • Log Debugging (printing the value of variables).
I will share what i know. I just make it into my words so if there is a miss a thing about the code or  what i say. You can just comment in below with a respectful. We should respect each other. Okay, back to the topic.

1.      Getting know the modifier
Figure 1. Access Modifiers by Dotnetbull
1.      Declaring variables of types
There are many types in any language included C#. I just give some types which is primitive.
    private char character;
    private string characters;
    private int integer;
    private float floatSingle;
    private double floatDouble;
There are some types. Which are char, string, int, float, double.
2.      Initializing a value
So in Unity there are many methods that have been created by Unity itself which are
    void Start ();
    void Update ();
    void OnDestroy ();
    void OnTriggerEnter ();
    void OnTriggerStay ();
    void OnTriggerExit ();

There are still many of them.
So there is 2 way to initialize the variables

2.     Declaring and Initializing
It means that you declare it and initialize it directly.
//Declare & Initialize
   private char character = 'C';
   private string characters "Coretan Kas";

   private int integer = 20;

   private float floatSingle
   private double floatDouble = 11.07199705012018d;

3.     Declaring and Initializing

It means that you declare it then initialize it undirectly. You just initialize it in methods. Suppose you declare it in world space of program, and declare it inside of start method.
    private char character = 'C';
    private string characters "Coretan Kas";

    private int integer = 20;

    private float floatSingle
    private double floatDouble = 11.07199705012018d;

    private void Start () {
        character = 'C';
        characters = "Coretan Kas";
        integer = 20;
        floatSingle = 11.071997f;
        floatDouble = 11.07199705012018d;
With these methods of initializing a value of variables you can adjust it with your needs. Not every type can be write in Declaring & Initializing, there are not primitive types like GameObject, Transform will be discussed in next tutorials.

4.     Log Debugging
Sometimes you need to debug your program to know is your code works or not. If you want to know the output you can write a Debug.Log then you can called which variables you want to know the value itself.
    private char character = ‘C’;
    private string characters “Coretan Kas”;

    private int integer = 20;

    private float floatSingle
    private double floatDouble = = 11.07199705012018d;
    private void Start () {
        character = ‘C’;
        characters = “Coretan Kas”;
        integer = 20;
        floatSingle = 11.071997f;
        floatDouble = 11.07199705012018d;

//Debugging – Log
        Debug.Log (“character: “ + character);
        Debug.Log (“characters: “ + characters);
        Debug.Log (“integer: “ + integer);
        Debug.Log (“floatSingle: “ + floatSingle);
        Debug.Log (“floatDouble: “ + floatDouble);

Here is the output of the program

Figure 2. Output Program

3 komentar:

  1. Wow great tutorial. Now I know the best way to get myself up with unity thanks. Keep it up :))
